Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crazy People and Strong Storms!

Good Morning!!So we renewed our lease this week. :( I was hoping I could talk Kyle into moving but did not have any luck! i thought i would be able to do it when we found a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2 story house in Midtown (cutting both of our commutes in half) for $700.00 a month which is unheardof in midtown!! But ultimately decided it was not worth it when we do not know where Kyle's residency will be and it is too much work to move and then in a year move again!! I am sooo tired of where we live now though:(. So many times (especially when I go to the pool in the summer) I feel like we live around nothing but trashy people!! But someday I will look back on our days in our apartment as the "good ole days"!
So Kyle had his first day of his rotation at The Med yesterday. I made a mistake in my last post...he is in the ICU, not in the trauma unit. He called me at work at approximately 3:30 and sounded absolutely exhausted and overwhelmed!! He had orientation for about 2 hours and then for the rest of the day he rounded with the Pharmicist, 1st and 2nd year Resident Pharmacists, and dieticians. The Pharmacist put him on the spot several times, which Kyle was very proud that he answered each of the questions correctly.The Pharmacist is pretty hard core (which in my opinion is good!). In reference to a particular study... he expects them to be able to tell off the top of their heads the article name, author, and location. Kyle has quite a few articles that he is required to have read by next week. He came home with some interesting stories already!! My favorite story is a perfect description of Memphis people:
There was a woman (yes she was black) who was cooking fried chicken when she got in a fight with her husband. So guess what she does! She pours cooking grease on her husband causing him to have 2nd degree burns over 60% of his body. So now, he is in ICU on nutritional support because he can't eat! The sad part is... the wife was not arrested!
So this morning, he was up before me (a FIRST!) since he had to be at the hospital, which is downtown (a good 30 minute drive with traffic), by 7:00. He was going to be assigned his first 2 patients which he had to examine and prepare to present by 9:30 rounds. We will see how it all goes! I am sure he will do wonderful!! This is the type of patient interaction he wanted and he is good at!!
On another note. They are calling for severe thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and TORNADOES this afternoon!!! Please be praying that it is not as bad as they are predicting!! After last years deadly tornadoes it makes me extremely nervous!! They are suppose to hit around the time that we will be traveling home from work, my drive is all interstate... so if it gets bad then there is no where to pull off!! Plus Harley is home alone and, like most dogs, thunderstorms scare him. So of course I worry about him!! Please be praying!