Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! This year was our year to be with Kyle's family. So after I got off of work Friday, we headed over to Shelbyville. I was actually glad I had to work because they had real bad tornadoes that came through Murfreesboro (about 20-30 minutes away from Shelbyville) that did quite a bit of damage. The sirens were going off in Shelbyville so i would've been a nervous wreck!!! We had a good weekend though. Our original plans were to go motorcycle riding all day on Saturday, but it was so cold that we decided to go shopping instead. So off we went to Nashville and the Cool Springs Mall!!! It ended up to be a real nice day. MaryGrace and I did quite a bit of damage in Victoria's Secret and we were able to find Kyle some comfy dress shoes to wear at the hospital. We went home through Murfreesboro so that we could eat dinner at Toot's (fried pickles!!!) and saw a lot of the damage from the tornadoes. It was pretty bad!! Power poles bent in half, roof's and sides tore off of buildings and gas stations flattened!!! Makes you count your blessings when you see stuff like that!!!
Sunday was a wonderful Easter!! We went to church and then came home to have a cookout with Kyle's grandparents!! There was so much food it was rediculous!!! I ate so much that I couldn't even think of having dinner that night!!! I definitely take after my Daddy with the fact that I LOVE hamburgers on the grill!! :) We had a real nice visit with Kyle's grandparents though.They are so sweet and always have lots to tell!!
I do have prayer request though. Kyle's grandfather, his Dad's Dad, receive Chemo treatments for a spot on his face about a month ago and has been in a nursing home ever since. He has the beginning stages of alzheimers. He is a widower so it is up to Kyle's parents to take care of him. Anyways, we found out this weekend that as a result of the chemo and him not washing his hands he has contracted C-diff for the 2nd time!! So he was moved back into isolation this past Saturday. Kyle and I both felt bad because it meant that we could not go by and see him. It is hard seeing him in a nursing home! So please pray for his recovery as well as Jan and Mary Grace as they take care of him.
This week has been pretty uneventful for Kyle and myself. Kyle's rotation is going well still. When he left on Thursday, he did not think that his 16 year old car accident patient was going to make it. But she has pulled through!! They were trying to keep her sedated, but she has had other ideas and has been moving her eyes as well as arms!!However, he has a new 15 year old patient that has also been in an accident. She was ejected from the vehicle and they are not thinking she is going to make it. On Monday they decided not to even start nutritional support on her, but she pulled through and yesterday they decided to start nutritional support on her. Kyle says though, that no one on his team thinks she is going to make it. It is so sad! It breaks my heart whenever I hear about things like that, especially when they are so young and have so much life left to live!!!! Kyle does not show signs of it bothering him, that is why he can do this and I can't. I get too emotionally involved with everything and he looks at it professionally.
Will post pictures of the few pictures we took this past weekend in Shelbyville!! Have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On our possible tornadoe day, this is the view I had driving home!!Harley enjoying his birthday cake

Its almost all gone!

Harley Birthday shirt

Isn't this cute?! He crawled in the backseat of my car and fell asleep on our way to Knoxville!

He caught me taking a picture of him!!

So I finally got around to posting pictures of Harley and our Knoxville weekend!! :) Isn't he just the cutest dog ever?!!!
Today is hump day!!! YAY!!
So good news!! The storm last week was not as bad as they predicted it was going to be! It hit early too! I was working out during lunch and it came a flood.. HARD! I think we might of got some hail during that time as well but not sure as I was in the gym. The second line of it held off and came through that evening around 7. The picture is of what came through during lunch. I thought it was a pretty cool pic!
We had a good weekend last weekend. Nothing too exciting. I had training all day on Friday, which turned out to be nice since I got off at 3!! I was home so early I was able to take Harley to a local dog park to run around..which is his FAVORITE thing to do!! That night Wal-Mart was holding a special pharmacy night at the grizzlies game. So Kyle and a friend went. From what I hear it was pretty cool! They had club level tickets, free dinner, and got to go on court and shoot around after the game. He really seemed to enjoy it!!! Saturday as a working day for Kyle. After he got off, it was such a pretty day that we decided to go shopping at the outside mall in Collierville. I got a new pair of shoes and an Easter dress!! So it was a VERY good trip!! :) Sunday was a typical Sunday for us.
This week has been good for us so far. This weekend is Easter so we are heading to Shelbyville Friday night as it is our year with Kyle's family. I am in DESPERATE need of a relaxing trip away from home so am hoping I will get it this weekend.
The hospital is keep Kyle busy. He seems to really be enjoying it. I think he would enjoy it even more if he was doing something other than nutritional support. He does not like it because it deals with electrolytes instead of medicines. He had a 73 year old woman today that had lit a cigarette while wearing her breathing mask. It ended up exploding, giving her 2nd and 3rd degree burns all over her body. Yesterday he had a 16 year old girl who had been in a car accident. She was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle and had a breathing tube and was sedated. She was the first "white" patient that he has had. He is doing well. It is hard to believe that next year at this time we could be preparing to move!! Time sure does seem to fly!! Of course it all depends on where Kyle does his residency.
It has been a pretty good work week for me. Pay day is Tuesday so I am busy with payroll and of course purchasing. FEDEX cut 1000 jobs last Friday 500 of which were Memphis employees. Business for us continues to decline slightly but nothing too terrible. NCUA bailing out those 2 Corporate Credit Unions hurt us more than anything. It is hard to explain, but in order to be a certified credit union you have to pay something like dues each year (which is based on your total profit from the previous year). Well NCUA said that all credit unions had to assist in bailing these two CU's out. By this we had to pay a certain percentage of our 2006 profit so our payout totaled approx. $2 million. Obviously, this has made things tight for us. We are trying all different kinds of things to cut costs. It amazes me though... I get people complaining because I do not order Dum Dum lollipops and order "regular" ones. But guess which is cheaper! The regular lollipops. You would think people would be greatful they have a job and focused on making themselves more valuable to the CU instead of worrying about lollipops. I order the cheapest that I can find on everything... people know that. Oh well! I look at it as people have got to find a reason to complain about something!!
Have a wonderful Easter!! :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crazy People and Strong Storms!

Good Morning!!So we renewed our lease this week. :( I was hoping I could talk Kyle into moving but did not have any luck! i thought i would be able to do it when we found a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 2 story house in Midtown (cutting both of our commutes in half) for $700.00 a month which is unheardof in midtown!! But ultimately decided it was not worth it when we do not know where Kyle's residency will be and it is too much work to move and then in a year move again!! I am sooo tired of where we live now though:(. So many times (especially when I go to the pool in the summer) I feel like we live around nothing but trashy people!! But someday I will look back on our days in our apartment as the "good ole days"!
So Kyle had his first day of his rotation at The Med yesterday. I made a mistake in my last post...he is in the ICU, not in the trauma unit. He called me at work at approximately 3:30 and sounded absolutely exhausted and overwhelmed!! He had orientation for about 2 hours and then for the rest of the day he rounded with the Pharmicist, 1st and 2nd year Resident Pharmacists, and dieticians. The Pharmacist put him on the spot several times, which Kyle was very proud that he answered each of the questions correctly.The Pharmacist is pretty hard core (which in my opinion is good!). In reference to a particular study... he expects them to be able to tell off the top of their heads the article name, author, and location. Kyle has quite a few articles that he is required to have read by next week. He came home with some interesting stories already!! My favorite story is a perfect description of Memphis people:
There was a woman (yes she was black) who was cooking fried chicken when she got in a fight with her husband. So guess what she does! She pours cooking grease on her husband causing him to have 2nd degree burns over 60% of his body. So now, he is in ICU on nutritional support because he can't eat! The sad part is... the wife was not arrested!
So this morning, he was up before me (a FIRST!) since he had to be at the hospital, which is downtown (a good 30 minute drive with traffic), by 7:00. He was going to be assigned his first 2 patients which he had to examine and prepare to present by 9:30 rounds. We will see how it all goes! I am sure he will do wonderful!! This is the type of patient interaction he wanted and he is good at!!
On another note. They are calling for severe thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and TORNADOES this afternoon!!! Please be praying that it is not as bad as they are predicting!! After last years deadly tornadoes it makes me extremely nervous!! They are suppose to hit around the time that we will be traveling home from work, my drive is all interstate... so if it gets bad then there is no where to pull off!! Plus Harley is home alone and, like most dogs, thunderstorms scare him. So of course I worry about him!! Please be praying!