Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! This year was our year to be with Kyle's family. So after I got off of work Friday, we headed over to Shelbyville. I was actually glad I had to work because they had real bad tornadoes that came through Murfreesboro (about 20-30 minutes away from Shelbyville) that did quite a bit of damage. The sirens were going off in Shelbyville so i would've been a nervous wreck!!! We had a good weekend though. Our original plans were to go motorcycle riding all day on Saturday, but it was so cold that we decided to go shopping instead. So off we went to Nashville and the Cool Springs Mall!!! It ended up to be a real nice day. MaryGrace and I did quite a bit of damage in Victoria's Secret and we were able to find Kyle some comfy dress shoes to wear at the hospital. We went home through Murfreesboro so that we could eat dinner at Toot's (fried pickles!!!) and saw a lot of the damage from the tornadoes. It was pretty bad!! Power poles bent in half, roof's and sides tore off of buildings and gas stations flattened!!! Makes you count your blessings when you see stuff like that!!!
Sunday was a wonderful Easter!! We went to church and then came home to have a cookout with Kyle's grandparents!! There was so much food it was rediculous!!! I ate so much that I couldn't even think of having dinner that night!!! I definitely take after my Daddy with the fact that I LOVE hamburgers on the grill!! :) We had a real nice visit with Kyle's grandparents though.They are so sweet and always have lots to tell!!
I do have prayer request though. Kyle's grandfather, his Dad's Dad, receive Chemo treatments for a spot on his face about a month ago and has been in a nursing home ever since. He has the beginning stages of alzheimers. He is a widower so it is up to Kyle's parents to take care of him. Anyways, we found out this weekend that as a result of the chemo and him not washing his hands he has contracted C-diff for the 2nd time!! So he was moved back into isolation this past Saturday. Kyle and I both felt bad because it meant that we could not go by and see him. It is hard seeing him in a nursing home! So please pray for his recovery as well as Jan and Mary Grace as they take care of him.
This week has been pretty uneventful for Kyle and myself. Kyle's rotation is going well still. When he left on Thursday, he did not think that his 16 year old car accident patient was going to make it. But she has pulled through!! They were trying to keep her sedated, but she has had other ideas and has been moving her eyes as well as arms!!However, he has a new 15 year old patient that has also been in an accident. She was ejected from the vehicle and they are not thinking she is going to make it. On Monday they decided not to even start nutritional support on her, but she pulled through and yesterday they decided to start nutritional support on her. Kyle says though, that no one on his team thinks she is going to make it. It is so sad! It breaks my heart whenever I hear about things like that, especially when they are so young and have so much life left to live!!!! Kyle does not show signs of it bothering him, that is why he can do this and I can't. I get too emotionally involved with everything and he looks at it professionally.
Will post pictures of the few pictures we took this past weekend in Shelbyville!! Have a great rest of the week!